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Hello there and welcome to the official website for the band Hexside SMD!

If you find yourself wondering who we are and what kind of music we produce, you've come to the right place!


Hexside SMD is an alternative and indie band, with the aim to make music that appeals and inspires to younger audiences, who are looking for a more niche but fun and inclusive genre of music. 
















Our debut song "Favourite Record" focuses around the idea of "the summer of love", a dream that almost every young person has had, and wanted to experience for themselves in their life. With Favourite Record, we wanted to take that dream and make the experience of listening to it encompass the feeling of what a summer of love would feel like. In this way, we are making people's dreams into reality. 

record player.PNG

The name of our band itself is a way in which we attempt to show this. "Hexside" is the name of a magical place, which links to how we want our songs to seem magical and extra ordinary. Furthermore, the "SMD" in our name stands for "Songs Made of Dreams", which again, links to the magical and extra ordinary themes we aim to create. But moreover, it also links to how we want our songs to appeal to our audiences in a way that seems as though we have embodied their dreams into reality.


To us, this is achieving our goal of being magical and dream like. We feel as though we are successfully encompassing a magical element into our songs, which is achieved by making people feel as though they are experiencing what a dream would feel like. Furthermore, when listening to our music, we want to take people to a place that feels magical, safe, and uplifting, hence the inclusion of a magical place in our band name. 


In the future, we aspire to continue to make songs in the same way. In a magical and extra ordinary way that takes people to magical places and makes them feel as though they are experiencing a dream through our music. We also aim to grow a very fun, supportive and accepting community, which is why we aspire to create partnership deals with LGBTQ+ charities. As we believe nothing is more magical than love, and everyone deserves to feel loved and love who they love. 


We've been Hexside SMD, we hope you enjoy our music and our community, and we would always welcome you to join our fun, supportive, accepting and magical community!
Check out Favourite Record on the music part of our page! Buy our merch to support us!
Remember you are loved and valid!
We hope to see you soon, bye!

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